2022 in Review
2022 is coming to a close! What an incredible, amazing year—one of the best years of my life...possibly the best! A year in which I reinvented almost my whole life every 3 months as I travelled around the USA and Europe as a digital nomad.
The year of 2022 in numbers:
- 🌎 7 countries
- 🌆 18 cities
- ✈️ 14 flights
- 📏 11,000+ miles / 17,700+ kms travelled
- 🎤 21 concerts
- 🥾 3 Via Ferrata hiked
- 🎮 3 videogames finished
- 📘 7 books read
- 🥰 endless memories
I celebrated my 32nd birthday by attending Eurovision in Italy.
As planned in my annual review last year, I achieved many long term goals including getting LASIK, ordering custom in ear monitors, learned my blood type, became a digital nomad, and met a centenarian. I also spent time visiting friends and family across USA and Europe. And I renewed my passport and received global entry.
Thank you to all of my friends and family for making this year so memorable and fulfilling.
Goodbye 2022. I already have my overall theme set for 2023 and most of my locations where I'll be living sketched out. The year ahead is going to be a wild ride. I'm excited for all of the memories and adventures to come, especially jumping off a dam and hiking along the side of a cliff with nothing but air below me.
You only live one life, don't waste it. Love, laugh, read, and explore. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others. Memento mori.
See you on the iron paths,
Leo 🇺🇳
One life, one planet. | LeoVogel.com
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